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In all areas of life, real solutions can only be developed when people fully understand the subject, and are then able to apply their own intelligence and experience to the problem from an informed position. Our focus is on ensuring that people really do understand the subject and are able to analyse their environment from an enlightened standpoint.
EMF directive 35/2013 issued by the European Union central committee requires that companies demonstrate compliance at an audit and control level, to the Action Level Values listed within the directive. Companies have three years to implement these controls and demonstrate compliance. An EM Safety Survey Report will determine if your organisation is compliant with the directive.
A unique benefit of our course material is that participants are immediately able to undertake changes in their own home environments, which are similar to corporate changes to reduce EM exposure levels.
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Medical research indicates that microwave radiation has a much stronger influence on vulnerable, growing children than on adults. Many regulatory organisations in different countries have issued precautionary notices specifically for children and wireless technology. Click here for additional information.
Education Services Shield Wireless Tech Safety Twitter logo Facebook logo providing solutions for safer technology Google plus logo
Medical research indicates that microwave radiation has a much stronger influence on vulnerable, growing children than on adults. Many regulatory organisations in different countries have issued precautionary notices specifically for children and wireless technology. Click here for additional information.
A unique benefit of our course material is that participants are immediately able to undertake changes in their own home environments, which are similar to corporate changes to reduce EM exposure levels.
EMF directive 35/2013 issued by the European Union central committee requires that companies demonstrate compliance at an audit and control level, to the Action Level Values listed within the directive. Companies have three years to implement these controls and demonstrate compliance. An EM Safety Survey Report will determine if your organisation is compliant with the directive.
In all areas of life, real solutions can only be developed when people fully understand the subject, and are then able to apply their own intelligence and experience to the problem from an informed position. Our focus is on ensuring that people really do understand the subject and are able to analyse their environment from an enlightened standpoint.


© Brett West 2013 - 2014 Permission granted to reproduce for personal and educational use only. Commercial copying, hiring, lending is prohibited.   Sitemap
Home About Services Corporate Research Education News Legal Contact us Google Plus logo Education
© Brett West 2014 - 2016 Permission granted to reproduce for personal and educational use only. Commercial copying, hiring, lending is prohibited.  Sitemap
Wireless Tech Safety Twitter Logo Facebook logo providing solutions for safer technology Google Plus logo MENU Education Services Shield


In all areas of life, real solutions can only be developed when people fully understand the subject, and are then able to apply their own intelligence and experience to the problem from an informed position. Our focus is on ensuring that people really do understand the subject and are able to analyse their environment from an enlightened standpoint.
EMF directive 35/2013 issued by the European Union central committee requires that companies demonstrate compliance at an audit and control level, to the Action Level Values listed within the directive. Companies have three years to implement these controls and demonstrate compliance. An EM Safety Survey Report will determine if your organisation is compliant with the directive.
A unique benefit of our course material is that participants are immediately able to undertake changes in their own home environments, which are similar to corporate changes to reduce EM exposure levels.
Medical research indicates that microwave radiation has a much stronger influence on vulnerable, growing children than on adults. Many regulatory organisations in different countries have issued precautionary notices specifically for children and wireless technology. Click here for additional information.
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